
Showing posts with the label alert dialog

Showing Alert Dialog with compose example android

 With new compose library you can show alert dialog using the android compose below is the example : @Composable fun showDialog (message: String , onDismiss: () -> Unit) { AlertDialog ( text = { Text (message) } , onDismissRequest = onDismiss , buttons = { Column { Divider ( androidx.compose.ui.Modifier. padding ( horizontal = 12 . dp ) , color = MaterialTheme. colors . onSurface .copy( alpha = 0.2f ) ) Column { TextButton ( onClick = onDismiss , shape = RectangleShape , contentPadding = PaddingValues( 16 . dp ) , modifier = androidx.compose.ui.Modifier. fillMaxWidth () , ) { Text ( "Yes" ) } TextButton ( onClick = onDismiss ,